Just a reminder that Saturday the 4th of May is the last day for Catcott residents to sign up for this year’s Catcott Come Dine With Me which takes place on Saturday Evening 18th May.
In exchange for hosting up to eight people for one course you get to enjoy a 3 course dining experience. It is laid back, non competitive and open to all (singles and couples alike).
You are able to choose the course you prefer to host (although this is not guaranteed) and the Catcott Village association Plan the rest. It can be a shop bought ready meal or your own showstopper dish – there is no scoring. In the unlikely event that you or any of your guests have special dietary requirements we will tell the cooks a week in advance (Sat 11th May).
We can accommodate a number of people who don’t want to or can’t host for some reason, in which case we ask them to donate £20 per person to the Children’s Hospice South West.
To take part email comedinewithme@catcottvillage.co.uk and your email will be forwarded to Martin Melia.
Please include your name and address, phone number and email address.
Please also include your preferred course to host and any dietary requirements (please name anyone who has a particular requirement and give details – the more information the better)