Supported by the Catcott Village Association and St Peter’s Church, Catcott

We invite everyone in the village to contribute to the creation of a permanent piece of art that reflects your images/reflections/feelings/experiences of 2020. It will be displayed in Catcott Church on 1 st January 2021 for all to view and could be featured at other Catcott venues.
What is it?
The piece of art will be a patchwork of fabric based squares i.e. a tapestry united by the theme of rainbow colours.
How can you get involved?
Volunteers would be given a square of cotton fabric, from the colours above, to decorate in whatever way and with whatever image they choose. Size to be confirmed, but probably 6- 8 inch square.
For example – but there are no limits:
- An embroidered image of hand clapping / bell ringing / NHS
- A collage of natural objects ( sheep wool, feathers ) to illustrate countryside walks
- An image reflecting hope cut out of felt and glued on the fabric square
- A cross stitch of a single word e.g. DISTANCE
- Knitting
- Fabric painting
- Iron on transfer
Taunton Scrubbers, a group of volunteers (including Dee Eaton of Catcott) who sewed scrubs for NHS and care workers have created something similar so if you want some ideas look further down this post where you’ll find lots of photos.
What is the timeline
- If you would like to be involved please tell us by Sunday 18 th October.
- We will give you the fabric by the end of October along with names and telephone numbers of villagers who are happy to offer support, if needed.
- You will complete and return your square by Tuesday 1 st December 2020
- A Stitch in Time tapestry will be on display in Catcott Church (and possibly other public venues in Catcott) for everyone to view.
For more information or to answer any queries contact Carole Melia 722808 or Dee Eaton 723743
If you want to take part – thank you – and please tell us by completing the following form
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